Miracle Body解構極速男 / Yoriko Koizumi
日本/2008/Digital Betacam//普遍級/彩色/49分
Japan/2008/Digital Betacam/G/Color/49min
.高雄場:11/14(六) 19:00
.台北場:12/05(六) 19:00
人類到底能跑多快?能跳多高?本片透過高科技攝影機與儀器,解構人體狀況,探究其極限。本片花費一年多才說服世界短跑冠軍鮑威爾(Asafa Powell)接受拍攝,細看他的衝刺爆發力,找出其得勝的秘訣,是前所未有的第一手獨家畫面,拍攝與分析皆是上等之作。
How fast can a human body run? How high can a man jump? In this episode, we look at the men’s 100 meters, a race to determine the fastest man on earth. Our focus is Asafa Powell, a Jamaican sprinter who set a world-record time of 9.74 seconds. We film Powell sprinting using four high-speed cameras and analyze his body to discover the reason for his astonishing acceleration.